Therapy for Teens

Adolescence is a short phase of life, yet it is one packed with turbulence. Teenagers are no longer children but are not yet adults. It is a very confusing time in their lives. The search for identity is the primary crisis of teenagers - a crisis in which young people struggle to reconcile their understanding of themselves as unique but with a connection to their heritage and to the larger society (Erik Erikson, 1986).

This is a challenging time for both adolescents and their parents. Teenagers are dealing with hormonal changes, attaining academic and extracurricular success, navigating social media, combatting body image issues, exposure to drugs and alcohol, and meeting parental expectations. It can often be too much for them to handle. Parents may need guidance in how to best help and support their child through these years. Parents may not be aware of signs of depression in teens, or anxiety disorder symptoms. This is where therapy for teens can help.

Signs your teenager is struggling

If your teenager seems unhappy, moody, overly emotional or suddenly angry or withdrawn, it can be difficult to tell if they are just having a tough time adjusting to the transition from a child to an adolescent. The best way to find out is to ask. You can say something like: "You seem really sad lately and I want you to know that it is okay for you to be upset sometimes. I am here for you." If they do not feel comfortable opening up about what is going on, then it might help if you talk about how hard it was when you were their age, or try again at another time. The right time and place is key to this conversation.

signs of emotional or mental distress in teens

  • Negative changes in behavior, irritability

  • Frequent stomachaches or headaches

  • Prolonged negative mood

  • Abrupt changes in sleep or and diet

  • Reckless behavior

  • Low self-esteem

  • Increased anxiety

  • Withdrawing and isolating from friends and family

If it seems that your child needs support coping, consider unbiased mental health intervention, such as therapy for adolescents.

how Therapy for Teens can help

Therapy for teens helps with many of the issues adolescents face, which may include:

  • Low self-esteem

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Self-harm and suicide ideation

  • Bullying, peer pressure, parental conflict, and family turmoil

  • Sexual/Gender identity issues

  • Relationship problems

  • Other mental health issues such as ADHD, OCD

how to support your teenager

You can also become a good listener. There are many different techniques you can use to improve your active listening skills. These include reflective listening, summarizing, paraphrasing, and clarifying.

Reflective Listening: Reflective listening is the type of constructive feedback that you can give someone after they have shared something with you. It involves reflecting on what the other person has said and then offering your thoughts on it.

Summarizing: Summarizing is a technique in which you condense information into a shorter version of its original form.

Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing is a technique in which you rework information into your own words while staying as close as possible to what the other person means.

A therapist can teach these skills to parents in order to repair relationships and help enable better communication. The earlier that teen mental health problems are addressed through therapy for adolescents, the easier they will be to treat.

Choosing a therapist for your teenager

Parents need to be aware of what they are looking for when they are selecting a therapist for their child. It is important that both the child and the parents tell their therapist the goals that they want to achieve. Choosing a good therapist may seem difficult because there are so many different options. There are many factors that you need to take into consideration when you are selecting a therapist. These include their experience, credentials, and reputation in the community. There are many types of therapists who conduct therapy for teens, but it is important to find one that is right for you.

At Trust Mental Health, we have a group of experienced therapists that speak over 10 languages. Our team of BIPOC therapists understands the nuances of different cultural backgrounds and sensitivities. We provide therapy in California for young adults both in person and online. Get started with a free 15 minute consultation today, and let us match your teenager with a therapist best suited to their needs.