The Effect Your Relationship Has on Your Well-being

Happy Couple

A large part of who we are and the course our life takes is influenced by the people we chose to have intimate relationships with. Our relationships fulfill our inherent need to belong and be connected. The health of your romantic relationship can also be indicative of your general health. To what extent does your relationship have an effect on your overall well-being? Read on to find out.

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Good Relationships Benefit Your Health

Interpersonal connections and meaningful relationships can positively impact your physical health. Being in a strong relationship has been known to give your immunity a boost. It also keeps depression, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness at bay. 

Loneliness and Health

When we use the term loneliness, we are not speaking of solitude, or time spent alone. We are referring to feeling chronically disconnected and isolated from others, even when we are with people. It is a lack of connection, companionship, and togetherness. Loneliness can have a detrimental affect on your mental health. It can disturb sleep patterns, cause depression, and increase your stress levels. Increased stress can result in high blood pressure and lowered immunity. 

On the other hand, if you have a strong sense of connection with a partner or even a few people who are close to you, it can benefit both your mental and physical health. 

Healthy Relationships

How many of the following are components of your relationship?

__ You feel supported and encouraged – emotionally, mentally, and generally.

__ You and your partner enjoy each other’s company.

__ Your partner is the first person you share good or bad news with.

__ You look forward to seeing your partner.

__ You have the space to pursue individual hobbies and social activities.

__ You and your partner trust each other.

__ You and your partner are verbally and physically affectionate.

__ There is mutual empathy, consideration, and respect.

__ You feel good about yourself.

__ Your partner respects your boundaries.

A healthy relationship is an uplifting, secure, and stable force in your life. This is not to say that your relationship needs to be perfect or without conflict. Conflict is often unavoidable, but the way you and your partner handle it is what makes the difference. 

When you are able to communicate well, handle challenges together, and listen without judgement, it creates an aura of comfort and well-being. Sharing a similar world outlook or being able to see things from the other person’s perspective builds companionship and a sense of security. 

A Good Relationship is Good for You

Research has shown that a strong, healthy relationship is beneficial to our overall well-being. 

Emotional Resilience

When you build and maintain a good relationship, you are also contributing to your emotional wellness. Feeling secure in your core partnership can empower you to manage challenges with greater resilience. The security of having someone who understands you and who withholds judgement can enable your personal growth and buffer against stress. The companionship can help protect you against loneliness or despair.

Emotional Intimacy

A strong relationship can offer emotional connection. It provides a safe space for your vulnerabilities. Knowing that you can openly share your feelings, fears, and thoughts with someone you love can add to your sense of well-being. 

Your Relationship Influences Your Life

Being in a healthy relationship is beneficial for your physical and emotional well-being. For example, if your partner is into living a healthy lifestyle, you may likely follow suit. This could be exercising, eating well, or sleeping at a reasonable hour. Conversely, if your partner indulges in substances, eats junk food, or has an irregular sleep schedule, you may find yourself accompanying them in these choices. 

A Bad Relationship can be Bad for Your Health

unhealthy relationship

While healthy relationships can enrich and sustain us, the corrosive effects of a bad relationship can permeate nearly every aspect of our well-being. From mental and emotional distress to physical ailments, a toxic partnership can have far-reaching consequences.

Toxic Relationships

A relationship with dysfunctional patterns can also lead to anxiety, depression, feelings of powerlessness, and high levels of stress. In a relationship with an abusive dynamic, issues with self-esteem along with other mental and physical health concerns can arise. Abuse can consist of verbal, physical, financial, or emotional abuse

A relationship does not necessarily need to be abusive in these ways to be considered toxic. There are other, subtle factors that can indicate dysfunction in your relationship. These include the following:

  • You feel drained, irritated, or depressed after interacting with your partner.

  • The give and take in the relationship is one-sided.

  • Your partner does not bring out the best in you.

  • You are made to feel like you are always at fault or the cause of problems.

  • Your self-esteem is being negatively affected.

  • You do not feel supported or considered.

  • You cannot identify or feel the value the relationship brings to your life.

Effect on Your Mental Wellness

A toxic partner may be controlling and exert dominance. To do this, they often attempt to detract from your autonomy and sense of self. Over time, this can cause your own wants, needs, and goals to be pushed aside. 

A toxic relationship is difficult to cope with and manage. It can take up a lot of your time and mental, emotional, and physical energy. You may begin to sacrifice your efforts in other areas of your life due to the constant drama within your relationship. 

An abusive relationship can leave scars that impact your future relationships and your mental health. If symptoms of anxiety or depression develop, you may find yourself in need of extra support, such as anxiety therapy or depression therapy. In some cases, a severely toxic or abusive relationship can result in post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. People struggling with this often find that trauma therapy can help them better cope with and manage their symptoms.

Effect on Your Health

Being in a toxic relationship can have a significant impact on your physical health as well. 

You may feel tired, worn out, or fatigued on a consistent basis. People also can develop autoimmune issues and inflammation in their body. Problems with digestion and gut issues can also manifest. Hormonal imbalances can also arise due to a chronic stress response or frequent flight or flight responses. You may find that you become a lot more forgetful, or lose the motivation to do much of what you used to enjoy. People also experience body aches and muscle tightness and soreness. 

Your Relationship is Linked to Your Well-being

Woman in nature

How you are treated in a romantic relationship can affect your sense of self and your self-esteem. If you are with someone with whom there is continuous conflict, problems, or tension, it can start to affect the way you feel about yourself. On the other hand, if your relationship is a safe space with mutual respect, consideration, and support, it can empower you to flourish. Being respected, valued, and loved can help cultivate self-confidence and is empowering. 

Trust Mental Health has a team of experienced, BIPOC therapists that are here to support you in your journey to wellness. Between us, we speak 18 languages, and our varied backgrounds enable us to approach each therapy session with an understanding of the cultural nuances our clients come with. We offer sessions both in person and online - view our locations here. Contact us today for a free 15 minute consultation. We will match you with a therapist best suited to your unique needs. 

Key Points

The main topics covered in this article include:

  1. How a strong relationship affects your mental and physical health.

  2. How a toxic relationship affects your mental and physical health.

  3. The components of a strong relationship.

  4. Subtle indicators of a toxic relationship.



  • Trauma therapy is a form of psychological treatment designed to help people overcome the emotional and psychological effects of traumatic experiences. It aims to help individuals process and make sense of their traumatic experiences in order to reduce distress and improve overall functioning.

  • Trauma therapy can benefit individuals who have experienced a wide range of traumatic events, including but not limited to physical or sexual abuse, combat exposure, natural disasters, accidents, and interpersonal violence. It can also be helpful for those experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other trauma-related disorders.

  • During a trauma therapy session, you can expect to work collaboratively with a trained therapist to explore your thoughts, feelings, and reactions related to the traumatic event(s). The therapist may use a variety of techniques to help you process the trauma, including talk therapy, relaxation exercises, mindfulness techniques, and exposure-based interventions.

  • You can start by asking your primary care physician or mental health provider for recommendations. You can also search online directories of licensed therapists and look for those who specialize in trauma therapy. It is important to choose a therapist who has training and experience in treating trauma and with whom you feel comfortable and safe.