Understanding Your Dreams: Common Themes and What They Mean

door of dreams

A dream is your subconscious processing your thoughts, feelings, and the events in your life. Sometimes a dream we have had will stick with us and we will remember almost everything about it. Other times our dreams are elusive, forgotten, and we are left with just a feeling or a thought. Gaining an insight into your dreams can help you forge a deeper connection with your inner self. But how to decipher the abstract dreamscape of your subconscious? Read on to learn about common themes and symbols featured in dreams and what they can mean.

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Types of Dreams

Lucid Dreams

A lucid dream is a dream during which you are aware that you are dreaming. Some people can control or influence what happens during a lucid dream.

Recurring Dreams

A recurring dream is one that you experience repeatedly. It may be the same dream over and over, or the same scenario that is replayed. Most, but not all, recurring dreams are centered around something negative or distressing. 


A nightmare is a disturbing or scary dream. Someone with an anxiety disorder may be more prone to either nightmares or recurring dreams. 

Common Symbols and Imagery

girl sleeping

Dreams are individual and unique to each person. However, there are some symbols and imagery that are commonly shared in dreams across cultures. Those are the ones we will explore here. Please note, though this article offers a broad interpretation of dream symbols and imagery, you are the best interpreter of your own dreams and what they mean to you. Think about the symbols in the context of your own dream, because taken independently they may be too general. When you are evaluating the imagery mentioned here against a particular dream, it may not fit in with your interpretation or feelings around a dream. In this case, disregard it and consider another meaning or angle to gain understanding. Finally, we are not talking about or referring to premonitions in this blog.

Being Chased

Dreams of being chased do not necessarily mean that we are being chased by something in real life. They can mean that you are avoiding dealing with something, someone, or a situation. It can also signify a sense of anxiety about an area in your life that needs to be addressed. 


Water is often a signifier for emotion. When you dream about it, it can represent how you are navigating your emotions or your emotional state. For example, a dream of a turbulent ocean may indicate turbulent emotions about something. Dreaming about a calm, lucid pool of water may indicate a serene emotional state. The state of the water and the way you interact with it can give insight into your emotions.


A dream in which you are flying indicates the amount of control you feel you have in your life. The way you are flying in the dream, whether it be sailing amidst the clouds, flying low to the ground, or getting snagged in obstacles, can be interpreted in this light. Dreams of flying can also represent a desire for freedom or independence.  


A dream about falling can also be an indicator of the degree of control and autonomy you feel you have in life. You may dream of a sudden fall, or a fall from a tall place, which can signify a loss of or lack of control. Not all dreams about falling are threatening or abrupt - you may also dream of floating safely down, which may indicate a sense of peace, closure, or letting go.


Dreaming about a death or dying can be frightening. Rather than indicating a death, a dream of this sort usually symbolizes a major change that has happened or that you are expecting to occur. It can also signify a need to let something go in order to bring about a change or new beginning.

Being Naked in Public

Your vulnerabilities are subconsciously expressed in dreams of being partially or fully disrobed. A dream like this can indicate that your vulnerabilities, feelings, or emotions have been exposed or that you are worried about this kind of exposure. It can also relate to a fear of judgment or embarrassment.  


A dream about a specific person may indicate an unresolved situation, or a conversation you need to have. People in your dream can also express an aspect of your personality, or a trait within yourself that needs to be looked at more closely. Often, the people we see in our dreams, whether in a positive or negative light, are mirrors to ourselves. So, the dream may be more about you than the person you see in it. 


Dreams about teeth often relate to communication, being heard, assertiveness, and being acknowledged. If you dream about your teeth falling out, it may mean that you are facing challenges in the above areas. These kinds of dreams can also relate to a major life change that may be forthcoming, a sense of loss, or insecurities you have.

Analyzing Your Dreams

girl writing dreams

Dream Journal

Writing down your dreams can begin a process by which you start to remember more and more of your dreams. It can help if you go to sleep with intention. For example, you can write in your dream journal, I will remember my dreams tonight. Then upon waking, write down as much as you can remember. You may not remember an entire dream, but you can record elements of it like colors, feelings, sounds, or objects. In time, you may see patterns develop or recurring imagery.

Think about how you are feeling before you go to sleep and when you wake up the next morning. It will also help if you remember how you felt during a particular dream. This exercise can build awareness of your thoughts and feelings in a more present way. How you feel before, during, and after a dream can also provide clues and context to the meaning of the dream. 

A Conducive Sleep Environment

Part of ‘dreaming well’ is sleeping well! Be conscious of your sleep hygiene. Part of sleep hygiene is keeping the environment in your bedroom conducive to sleep. Ensure that the temperature in your room is comfortable, the space is neat, and that your window dressings are suitable for blocking light according to your preference. Additionally, make sure your pillow is comfortable and the right height and firmness for you. 

Sleep hygiene also involves that you protect your habits for at least one hour leading up to your bedtime. For example, avoid eating a meal close to bedtime as well as caffeinated drinks. Also, while doing light stretches before bed is a good idea, it is best to avoid strenuous exercise before sleeping as this can keep your physiology hyped up and make it hard to fall asleep. Sleep hygiene also involves putting away your devices at least an hour before retiring for bed. Try to replace this with reading a good book before sleeping. 

To improve your sleep, try going to sleep at a consistent time every night. Develop a pre-sleep routine that you enjoy. This could be a few minutes of meditation, followed by stretching, a cup of warm milk and honey, some lavender essential oil on your sheets, and a few pages of a good book. 

Personal Associations

When reflecting on the meaning of a dream, it can help to think about the symbols or imagery in the dream and how they apply to you. For example, if you dream about a beach, think about what that means for you. Do you live near a beach? Did something happen on a beach that you were involved in? Are you travelling soon? Are you scared of the sea? Do you have good associations or memories with beaches?

Use Multiple Sources

We have highlighted general meanings of some common dream symbols in this article. It can be useful to use multiple sources of reference when figuring out what the things you dream about mean. There are dream dictionaries available and useful websites, many of which are based on psychology, that can give you varied interpretations of dream imagery. This approach offers different perspectives, as one particular interpretation of a symbol may not necessarily make sense to you. However, if you explore other sources for meaning on the same symbol, you may come across something not mentioned elsewhere. Remember, the dream meaning that best applies to you will be one that has been researched and interpreted by you.

Look for Patterns

Sometimes you may dream of the same person, imagery, or event repeatedly. Or, you may have a recurring dream. Repetitive patterns in our dreams can indicate something that needs our attention or that has been pressing on us. It could also be that your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Take some time to reflect on the significance the pattern has in your life. 

Dreams offer a glimpse into the inner workings of our mind and our subconscious. Understanding your dreams can give insight into your vulnerabilities, core needs and desires, and unresolved matters. Keep in mind that while many dream symbols can be interpreted broadly, what gives them real meaning is their application within your context and personal life. So, the next time you dream of sailing on a stormy sea or missing a few teeth, pay attention – your subconscious is speaking to you. 

If you find yourself having recurring disturbing or upsetting dreams, this could indicate something about your emotional state that may need to be addressed. Individual therapy can help you unlock the cause of your bad dreams and clear a path to deeper inner strength and knowledge. Trust Mental Health has a team of BIPOC therapists that offer individual therapy in California. Contact us today for a free 15 minute consultation. 

Key Points

Below are the main items covered in this article:

  1. Lucid dreams, recurring dreams, and nightmares. 

  2. Common dream imagery includes falling, flying, teeth, being undressed in public, people, death, being chased, and water.

  3. You can both remember your dreams and learn to interpret them through healthy sleep patterns, journaling, and learning about dream symbols. 



  • Individual therapy is a form of therapeutic treatment where a trained mental health professional works one-on-one with a client to address emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues. It provides a safe and confidential space for clients to explore and understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

  • People seek individual therapy for various reasons, including managing stress, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, trauma, grief, self-esteem issues, personal growth, and coping with life transitions. It can be beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their mental and emotional well-being.

  • Generally, therapists are legally and ethically bound to maintain confidentiality. However, there are exceptions, such as if a client poses a risk to themselves or others. Therapists will usually discuss these limitations with clients during the informed consent process.