Posts tagged teen therapy
Therapy for Teenagers: Types, Benefits & Misconceptions

Therapy is a beneficial method of working through mental health challenges that is applicable to individuals of all ages. Different types of therapy can help patients work through different issues, and provide patients with a trustworthy form of support. Parents can support their teens in therapy by maintaining an open mind and being a supportive presence.

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Was Your Mother Emotionally Unavailable? How this Impacts You Now

One of the central relationships in a woman’s life is the one she has with her mother. This is the relationship that will influence how she views herself, her partners, intimacy, and the kind of mother she will be. The bond you have with your mother has a lasting impact on your life. What does it mean for a child, a young adult, and an adult woman when she feels unloved by her mother?   

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Building a Meaningful Connection with Your Teenager

Adolescence can be a tough time not just for children, but also for their parents. A concern that many parents have once their child enters adolescence is how to maintain a connection with their child. The teenage years offer an opportunity to build a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with your child. However, for many families, this becomes increasingly difficult to do with tweens and teens. 

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A Guide to Overcoming Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety Disorder (SDA) is characterized by an overwhelming concern about being negatively judged, watched, or sized up by others. This fear can affect your performance at school, work, sports, and interfere with your daily interactions. SDA is not the same thing as being introverted or shy. Social situations can be hard to cope with, but there are ways to make it easier.

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Teenage Depression and Anxiety

A teenager may not have a name for what they are dealing with. They may not recognize that what they are struggling with is depression or anxiety – or both. Some of the symptoms of anxiety and depression in teens may be overlooked as just regular teenage behavior. However, we need to look at these signs in context, while keeping in mind other factors in a child’s life.

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