Do You Have Nightmares? How To Fade Away Your Bad Dreams

Dreams and nightmares can come in different forms. They can be about what you fear the most, what you want the most, or they could be about something that happened to you in the past.

Nightmares can be a very traumatizing experience for those that have them. They are often difficult to understand and control. In this section, we will explore the causes of nightmares and how to cope with them.

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The Complete Guide to Stress Reduction and How it Relates to Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy and happiness for many people, but it can also be a difficult time for others. It can be hard to keep up with all of the social obligations, there may be a lot of financial pressure on families, or maybe you have a loved one who is struggling during this time. Regardless of why you might be feeling stressed at this time, the following are five ways to start feeling better about the holidays.

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What are Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders affect people across the lifespan and do not discriminate based on color, national origin, socioeconomic class, religion, or any other means. Since the pandemic began, eating disorders are at an all-time high with greater hospitalization rates and some centers experience double the in-patient admission rate.

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Stages of Grief During a Breakup

During the course of a breakup, many individuals go through stages of grief that guide the healing process. I definitely identified with all the stages of grief as I grieved my relationship. It is important to note that whether you were married for 6 days, 6 months, 6 years, or 60 years, you have every right to grieve.

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Burnout vs Languishing 

Do you ever feel like every day is the same? Does caring for your work or home life take too much energy? Burnout is a stage of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. So how can we help ourselves get through burnout? The first step is figuring out what your burnout is related to and differentiating it from languishing.

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